Wednesday, May 21, 2003

It's happening just like last quarter. I think everyone who misses class should get together and go somewhere. Like Lee's Sandwiches or something. Better than staying in bed or sleeping on the couch, right? Maybe not sunjego, because it's hot during the day and it's better to drive at night anyway.

If anybody wants, Thursday May 22, 10:00 pm, 1506 Dartmouth Court. My first real birthday party. Yes, tomorrow. If you're reading this, YOU ARE INVITED. It'll be hella fun, or my middle name isn't Christian. Wait a minute...

Tuesday was fun. With the random YFC visit, hide and seek in engineering plaza (I tagged 2 people!) and the race to interfaith. I'm going to miss Tuesdays over the summer when there's not so much stuff to do. PUSO meetings, PUSO afterevents, LOG meetings, random "spon1080", IM games (which are already over for us anyway), working out. I think it's about time for another Vegas trip. Or not. Possibly a beach day. Or a beach week. Let's have a beach week where we hit up a different beach every day. That'll be phat. Ninth week. Who's driving? If not, we'll have to go to class, and we all know that's not going to happen. For some of us at least...

So many birthdays, so little time. Happy berfday Arlene, Alvin, Alfredo, Quan, Chris.......


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