Wednesday, December 03, 2003

I'm overdue for a rewind. Today was great though. Despite not sleeping well. I passed out around 11 last night because recovering from noturnalness isn't easy on the body. I eventually woke up around 2, thinking I could just got right back to sleep, but then I remembered I had to hang up some laundry. If clothes didn't fade and shrink, I wouldn't have to wake up to hang my clothes. But they do. And so I woke up to hang my clothes, then check some stuff online. I went back to bed, but then I started feeling crazy nagging hunger pangs because the last time I ate was 8 hours previous and I'm used to eating around midnight all the time. 4:00 am rolls around and I'm still just laying in bed, so I get up to eat. Back to bed again and nothing. This was never a problem before... I finally fell asleep around 6 and woke up at 10.

I biked to school and some of us PUSO people had a little planning meeting. I thought I'd be late, but I was the first one there. Good stuff. Then I checked out the crazy fundamentalist hell-fire and damnations "Christians" out by the free speech area. Those fools were seriously spreading the hate. It's sad how they give us a bad name, comdemning people left and right without even trying to get to know what they're about. Their signs listed some people that "made them sick":
- rebellious women
- sports nuts
- computer freaks
- Roman Catholics
- people who talk to their pets more than God
- ankle biters (I'm still not sure what this refers to)
- dykes on bikes
Those were just the most offensive ones. I wanted to try to talk to them, but I know it would be pointless to reason with them.

Work was real easy. I got paid 40 bucks to pick up Scott, make a paper popper and a paper airplane, and then sit in the waiting room of his new tutoring place for two hours, 45 minutes of which I spent catching up on sleep. I'm getting old.

Back to the apartment. It nice that we get to hang out more often. It's almost like we're not as busy as we were back in the beginning of the quarter. GP killed Mel's cereal and NG cooked some salmon. Then it was off to the potluck. Turnout was great, and I remembered a little bit of what it was like to cook for people. I think if I didn't have the drive to be a doctor, I'd be a cook. Or a musician. Too bad the whole of my musical talent is like my freaking bank account. Almost non-existent. Hopefully I wrong about this. But I know I can cook a damn good meal once in a while. Then came the obligatory pictures... penguin pinata... Joyce "planting seeds"... Jei's lesbian witch story... Jill's music video... candy baseball... I always love LOG potlucks. I left my bag at Interfaith, so after me & Geeps got dropped off, we rolled back to grab my bag. Guess I can't get enough.

Spread love.


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