Friday, June 11, 2004

all those things that life brings

I leave in my wake one of the last finals I'll have as an undergrad at UCI. Funny thing is I did well enough to feel like I could go back and take it all on again... all the classes and all the struggles, all the tests and the challenges, and I would relish it, even when if I burned out or felt like stopping. I don't know. For sure, I could have done better. That road is behind me now though. I sat on a planter after I was done and took a trip... I remember staring at those trees after it rained. The wet brown bark with the bright almost iridescent leaves, filtering out the midday sun. I was brought back through all my years here. I walked through the halls in front of my next class, thinking I shouldn't have missed so many lectures, not because I could have gotten a better grade, but because I took that class because in a way I needed it. To learn about my history, my root, at the very least. Appreciation is a slow one. I feel like I'm going to be living all these memories for the last few days of this so called life. And what a life it's been.


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