Monday, June 27, 2005

They let me go.

No more tutoring J1 and J2. Damn, what a downer. That's $320 a month I'm out. On the upside, I got a peace pie as a parting gift. I really could have used a two weeks severance check. Their mom only told me today. I spent the whole session thinking of what I could do to make it through the summer without scrapping my freedom. My best guess is however forunate I've been this past year to have such flexible and high paying jobs, it's time to start moving on. I still can't shake the feeling that I wasn't good enough. Their parents are going to start sending them to some academic center for english tutoring. Being fired can really make a person fell small. Stupid ACE parking doesn't know what they're missing.

My parents are applying (once again) for auto insurance. It seems AAA doesn't like you when you're not a full time student. Either that, or they really want a slice of your new income. Back to Mercury it is. Maybe this time we won't get screwed over by uninsured drivers and ridiculous business-first, consumer-last policies.

Maybe all of this is pushing me to out into deep water. Out of my comfort zone, into the fire. Photography for hire isn't going to cut it for the summer. I haven't even put together a portfolio yet. Come to think of it, I haven't even finished paying down my credit cards yet... $2000 left to go.

I got off work 2 hours early, dropping Scott off at his friend's house near the beach, and I was thinking about the weather. Man, it was beautiful. Clear skies for miles, no smog, cool breeze, warm sun. I'd hate to be forced to enjoy it from indoors for the whole summer.


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