Thursday, May 11, 2006

where are we headed?

Conspiracies. Blackmail. Cover-ups. Jack Bauer's got his hands full. We could really use him now.

It's good to feel healthy.

I smacked a baseball at the park by Scott's house, and it went deep... into the street and bounced... and off the hood of someone's civic. Man, there was a dent too. It's probably gonna come back to get me. I should have left a note, but I had no paper/pen/pencil. At least it wasn't a new civic... it had to be early 90s model.

Free food and 24 on the new flatscreen at Scott's house. Man, fringe benefits are great.

Sometimes I get the feeling that my eyes deceive me.

That's not how the story's told.

Why is it I can't get to bed when I plan to?

your attention please...


Blogger dinboy said...

did u get free pickles?

9:33 AM  

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