Sunday, October 07, 2007


Pac man wins again, but it wasn't a real exciting fight. Plus, I had to wonder why my dad called me right before the fight, because his message was a little incoherent. I don't know, it's almost as if I'm expecting bad news every time I get a call from home. Part of it is the fact that they come so randomly. And well... previous experience. I called back later to get a 10 minute interrogation about my future, interrupted by my cell phone battery dying.

No need to overanalyze. So far, my instincts have been mostly on point, while indecision and second guessing has only earned me grief.

Care to read my mind? I'm terrible at reading yours.

someday we'll all be free


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can read your mind. you're mafia.

11:03 AM  

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