Friday, February 08, 2008


I really screwed up at work today. I didn't even make it in to work actually... I ended up turning around and licking my wounds. Work hasn't been the first thing on my mind this week. I haven't worked since Sunday and I'm more than broke. The storms rage on. My mama was born on this day. I saw some "family" pictures at home. My neck feels like I've been in a collision. I'm tempted to throw my phone as far as I can at times, but end up ignoring it for the most part, which hasn't been hard by any means.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

If I was an NBA team, I could trade away my situation (Kwame) for something of value. There's a reason for all this right?

this hope business is getting audacious


Blogger kirsten said...

i hope your life gets a Pao Gasol soon.

i, too, am broke phi broke.

praying for you.

7:43 AM  
Blogger anna liza said...

hey im born in february too :) lol. hope you find what you're looking for soon.

11:58 AM  

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