Thursday, October 23, 2008


The forcast calls for haze all day and into the early morning hours, followed a lot of nothing...

Lately at work, it seems like the problems never stop materializing, and as soon as I knock something down, there's two more things to contend with. To make it even more taxing, I don't think I'm up for it this week. Earning a paycheck is great, but I'm pretty much on the bottom rung on the capitalist ladder, and really, I'm just trying to get by for the time being. There's a whole lot more to life than survival. I remember writing that in a forum somewhere and caught a whole mess of flack for it. Idiots.

I woke up dreaming I got a new phone. That touchscreen blackberry. It was amazing. I don't know how I got it ahead of everyone else. And oh yea, I don't know why I was dreaming about it in the first place. It's not like I have all that much use for a phone... besides work. It's all the non-phone stuff that's interesting to me. I bet I could get along pretty well without a voice allowance. Kinda sad, really.

Today I thought, why is it that I'm getting caught up in things I don't want to be around, while I hardly find myself where I'd like to be?

Halloween is next week?!?!?!

Back in high school, I used to get some crazy stomach aches right before track practice. It was a whole lot of nervous energy not letting my lunch sit right, the anticipation of two hours of sprint workouts boiling in the pit of my stomach. It usually subisded a little while before warmups started. I had that same feeling again on Monday, right before playing ball, only this time it didn't go away. So I started shooting around with my unsettled insides and once we got our game going I forgot about it. Pre-game jitters? We weren't even playing for anything. Maybe it's all in my head, and the energy that you put out is proportional to the nervous energy you build up right until you need it. Then it's game. blouses.

I make a lot of of mental to-do lists, but I usually don't get around to crossing things off of them. Now would be a good time to start.


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