Monday, February 24, 2003

Sickness takes a toll on you. I think I might have lost 5 pounds or so, and I only really felt bad two of the last four days. The flu is something wicked too. At one point, it hurt to breathe and took too much energy to stay awake, but I was shaking too much from chills to fall asleep and too tired to look for another blanket. Oh yea, waking up shivering and not being able to fall back asleep... no fun. Good thing I'm past the worst of it. Now it's just the stuffy nose and cough that I have to deal with. It's not bad though.

On the upside, I finally got the stupid security code for my car stereo/cd player. It's been almost a month without any music in my car and frankly, it sucked. I really like to drive, especially on a long open road, a little twisty, with the windows down, the sunroof open, and the cd player blasting something while you downshift and zoom around. It's not quite the same without something to listen to. And since I usually never have any passengers, that meant all I had to listen to was my engine, which I got pretty in tune with. It felt a little strange driving and not being able to hear the engine, but I got over it as soon as I hit the rev limiter. I love driving. Most of the time anyway.


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