Wednesday, March 26, 2003

After my electric bill fiasco, I showered, packed, and got ready to go home, but I wanted to work out first, so I picked up some subway, ate at the ARC and pulled my usual half an hour workout. I keep taking too many days off and not getting enough sleep and/or food to progress steadily, so I'm kind of sticking at the same weight. It's not very fun, but at least I got to see some people there I knew. If you know your friends will be working out, it's not so hard to make the drive to the ARC. On the way back home, I got a call from Fran, who told me people wanted to watch a movie, maybe Bringing Down the House, and although I didn't really feel like watching that movie, I didn't feel like going home just yet. I finished the rest of my sandwich at home and then Reg called me and said they were eating at Islands. So much for saving money. I haven't been this broke since summer of freshman year, when I was forced to get my first job. I met them up at the Block, racing through traffic with ease. I love when the freeways seem to open up to your car, especially when the traffic isn't so light in the first place. I succeeded in swaying them to watch The Life of David Gale, when I met up with them.

There was a good mix of people there... Seash, Chris, Vince, Flo, Leo, Fran, Reg, Em, GP, Brian, David, and I, and we had to work the student IDs to save more money. Man, I remember the days of the $6 movie ticket at AMC. That was so nice. We put up all the armrests and sat in the same row, squished but not separated. The movies was, in my opinion, very well thought out... the dialogue was pretty thought provoking. I recommend it, except for the people who love to pick out things they hate from every movie they watch. Just enjoy the movie people! Afterward, we decided to chill at Seash and Darlene's place, right next to the Block, while Fran got some Krispy Kremes for everybody. We switched cars and had a mini car rally... Leo's Solara, David's Civic, Em's Bimmer, Reg's Corolla, Brian's BaniBJ, Seash's Rav4, and my Accord. I don't know why, but it's really fun to drive other people's cars. Beej wouldn't let me drive BaniBJ though. Boo. We rolled deep to Seash's apartment, which kinda looks like Parkwatts but nicer (doesn't nicer look funny when it's written down?). Beej, GP, and David went to Albertos for some Carne Asada fries, while I attacked the doughnuts. We chilled there until about 2:00 am, comtemplating more Random Acts Of Spontaneity (RAOS), like snowboarding, camping, and beach bonfires. We talked about possibly dressing up and eating somewhere like Denny's or something, just for kicks. With our old boutineers and corsages. Pinned upside down, of course. It's all up in the air. There something about these kids that makes all these RAOS so enjoyable... I haven't had this much fun in a while.

Planning some random acts of spontaneity for tomorrow... still praying for peace.


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