Monday, March 17, 2003

I took a little break earlier to splash water in my face and walking back, I saw Cristina. She was giving a wake up call to Arlene. I was speaking to her and thinking that she sounded pretty damn sleepy, until I remembered that it was 4 am... Cristina-mabobber and I then tried to rip out one of those maroon marble tiles from the floor of the engineering gateway, but failed by all counts. We tried two different loose tiles; one was next to one of the doors to a computer lab. One guy walked out the door while we were crouching there and he literally jumped back a foot... after the initial shock, we pretended like we were supposed to be there... haha, it was just like being a kid again. We both cracked up as he walked away with a strange look on his face.

We got back to the computer lab and just a few minutes later, everyone decides to leave. I'm kinda sad because I thought at least one person would be staying up with me, but oh well. Walking out of NACS to the parking lot, there was this tangible stillness in the air and it really felt like I was the only soul awake in the world, walking in the moonlight and shine from far away yellow lights. I felt alone again, but not in a bad way. Alone with the world, but knowing exactly where I was. My mind felt like it stretched out in the cold air until it went farther than I could see. My world merged with my soul for a second, and things didn't seem as bad anymore. Getting to my car, I saw the note Cris and Fran left on my windshield. I don't get stuff like that very often. It was very much appreciated.

I hope I can make it to 12:30 without going crazy... time to put in work.


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