Sunday, March 16, 2003

A real quick break from studying... I told Reg it would only be five minutes of blogging. Ahh boo. Well, after I woke up today after noon (I set my alarm for 10) I lagged and talked online managing not to update my blog. I went to a top-secret location... where it is doesn't matter really. Making my way down the freeways, I saw how crazy people drive and passing by some bad accidents I wondered what the hell they were racing toward. I was thinking the people involved in those collisions were driving all crazy, but then I realized that someone else might have just as easily hit them... man, that's a scary thought. There was actually a collision on Campus Drive tonight, with ambulances and police cars everywhere... I checked it out from the parking structure and it didn't look too bad. I hope those people are alright. I got back home around 6, but got annoyed with the noise from the television and my roommates, so I left for campus around 8:30. It's fun studying with the right people... and productive studying with the wrong people. Or vice versa. I guess you can have fun studying sometimes. I guess I should do it more often, but only as long as other people are doing the same. Some interesting conversations start up when your brain fills up with information you don't understand. Back to studying now... my five minutes are up.


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