Thursday, March 13, 2003

This has been my epic, ten post day. I think this is the last one. 16 hours in the life (8 subtracted for sleep).

Walking outside the science library, there was a mob of people I've never seen before in my life just chilling and being loud in the courtyard. It reminded me of how 10th week and finals week are my most stressful, yet for some reason I have no sense of dread, even with finals only days away. During these last two weeks of the quarter, everything seems to come together... or it should. When it does, there's an amazing sense of accomplishment in making it through. If you study on campus, the ghosts of UCI come out--all the people you never get to see because a) they're too busy or b) they slackers. Studying up until sunrise is not that bad if someone else is studying with you. Even around you. I've had my share of solitary all-nighters to testify. I was never one of those people who just wants to get it over with... I always want to walk away knowing that I put in my work, and even when I say I don't care how I did, I do care. I don't put in all-nighters just to pass, unless that's the only option... but that's another story. It's a great feeling to have the cool breeze on your face walking out of the study lounge knowing that you're going to do fine. That's our job as students anyway.

Put my heart and soul into this song/ I hope you feel me/ From where I am, to wherever you are/ I mean that sincerely...


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