Saturday, March 15, 2003

What a crazy random day... I really enjoy random days. I actually woke up, though exhausted, coughing up a lung, and kinda wheezing, but happy to be awake. I took my shower, ate my breakfast, and made it to school, slighty late, but at school nonetheless. I walked into the CS building and opened the door to CS 174 real slow so I wouldn't attract attention. I succeeded, but nobody was there to be distracted anyway. Nobody! I guess stuff like that happens when you miss too much class. The syllabus online said it was a review day though... Here's my class attendance for week ten: ZERO. Go seniors!

I studied for a little bit at NACS, where I saw Ryan L and Ernest, who I've bumped into maybe 5 times in the last two days. Such a small world UCI is. When I started to fall asleep, I began to make my way to my car, only to remember it was noon, so I went to mass. It was nice to find some time to give to God. The soup that Father Pat made us eat after mass had ham in it, but Chris and Father Pat tried to take all of it out. I think I had three chunks though... according to Father Pat, it'd be a worse sin to waste it than to eat a little meat. So I had some more. I didn't want it to go to waste...

I then made my way to the bookstore to see if I could get the stats book I needed cheap. Unfortunately, they only had new ones for sixty bucks. I wasn't about to spend sixty bucks for a book I only need for the next three days. I got Christine to hook me up with a discount. Thanks Christine! Forty five dollars, a nap in one of the bookstore armchairs (with a magazine in my lap and my legs hanging off the side), and maybe an hour more of studying at the student center later with Vandai and Maricris, I got the book. In the meantime, Nimz, Christina, Derrick, and Fran were indecisive enough about what to eat that by the time they decided on subway or rice garden, they were closed. Go figure.

After doing stats homework from week one, Maricris and I went to get some Rubios. We had argument earlier about whether fish should be refrained from for Lenten Fridays. I won, but she didn't want to admit it. I got the tres fish tacos and a drink combo for 4 bucks. It's interesting how fast food restaurants cater to us Catholics. I saw a girl I was interested in during the summer there, but I don't think she recognized me. She used to work about the Bank of America down the street, so that summer I used the ATM a little less often... I actually had the balls to speak to her first, because I recognized her from bio classes. I thought about her a little while and remembered seeing another girl I liked back at the bookstore. She was the cutest girl in the honors program, and once in a while we'd talk about how mindless honors class work was. All this just when I decide to think less about girls. It's not like I lost interest in them, but more like I lost hope. I said hi to the one at the bookstore... she's a cool girl. You could say that what interest I had for them before I've turned into admiration--like how you admire a girl already in a relationship, appreciating, but not desiring. I admired two beautiful (and pretty) girls I ran across today. Maybe my time will come soon... according to my YFC brothers and sisters, us singles are a "hot commodity." I'm personally flying off the shelves... I say that with a smile.

We brought the food back to the student center to eat. Somehow, Maricris and I started talking about our Filipino upbringings and how great it is that we can find so much humor in our culture and experiences... funny things our moms would say like "you speak as if you are somebody" and "go ahead. Keep fighting down there until someone dies"... eating without knives, being called over by mom just to open the blinds right next to her...

Maricris convinced me to go to the UCI basketball game against Utah State, the semifinal of the Big West Tournament. Derrick came with us and we stuffed into Maricris' celica. For some reason, there were a lot more Utah State fans than UCI fans... but their cheers sucked and their mascot is a cow. What is an Aggie anyway? Although we dominated the first half, we pretty much choked the last ten minutes of the game, losing by six I think. Cristina was supposed to go with us, so I believe (there's a good amount of evidence) that she jinxed our team. Booooo. We left contemplating keying any cars with Utah licence plates. Hopefully, next year is our year.

Now I'm home again. Back to the books.


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