Sunday, March 16, 2003

Damn it... now for my third attempt:

I went to grab some food with my roommate Debbie around 5, then left to help out with the 6:30 mass. It was nice to see some random people that haven't been around in a while. While I was singing, it felt like there was something coming up in my chest, like a cough, but it just stuck in my throat. I made an annoncement for the upcoming LOG spirit rally, and for some reason I was nervous. My heart was beating like I was gonna have a rib broken from the inside. Good thing I didn't stutter...

After mass there was good amount of people just talking and chilling, but I felt strangely social/anti-social, not wanting to feel left out, but deciding anyway just to sit off by myself. Something was telling me to leave, get away, get back to myself, like a current taking my boat out to sea.

Now here I am. What am I supposed to do? Start paddling, I assume...


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