Sunday, March 16, 2003

After my short break last night, Reg and I walked back to Emerald Bay only to find everybody was gone... everyone we knew at least. Not feeling like going home because I was scared of sleeping in too late, I asked Reg if could sleep over. Feeling like being crazy, I peeled out of the parking lot (it was raining so the roads were nice, shiny black, and slippery). I probably raced Reg at every stop, letting the wheels spin a little bit and the back slide out. She drove pretty crazy too, going maybe 70 down Harvard, when I was only going 60 on the freeway and worrying about hydroplaning... Reg has always been a crazy driver though. She has some stories. On the turn onto San Leon, I downshifted to second, yanked the wheel right and put my foot to floor. I slid a couple of feet and the back wheels broke a little loose, then the spinning wheels grabbed and pulled me forward again. Damn, that was fun. If only gas wasn't so expensive and it rained more often...

I was planning on studying a little bit before crashing, but Dee's brother was sleeping in the living room. Giving up, Reg let me have her bed and she took her roommate's bed. It's pretty strange sleeping in someone else's bed. Not feeling to tired we decided to play a little honesty hour, letting the sleeplessness and randomness of finals week make the thoughts flow. It was my first time doing that, speaking until you can't speak anymore... you say things that usually don't come out because you don't know exactly how you want to say them. We got to reminiscing about how great it is to feel attracted to someone, even if you don't expect anything to happen. I remember one girl from high school that I had so much fun chilling and laughing with... how she'd reciprocate when I'd flirt with her. It was always playful, nothing serious--I really enjoyed myself around her. There was something about her that brought out the playful, light-hearted side in me. I don't think many people have seen that side of me, since I can't even remember being like that with anyone recently... or maybe nobody comes to mind. I've always believed that you should never try to forget the good times you have with someone even if things don't work out or things go sour. To deny the joy that you once felt is a disservice to your soul. I don't think anything is going to happen with the girls I was talking about last night, but it's great to look back at people you used to like and see something beautiful about them, even after you move on. Just thinking about all that made me remember how silly sweet life can be... I think I was laying there with a stupid smile on my face. Good thing it was lights out.

We crashed around 7 and rose around noon, had a little to eat, then I left to take a shower at home. The drive home was incredible... beautiful weather, especially after the downpour yesterday. Funny that I really love the rain too though. I cruised home, sunroof open, windows down, and the stereo crankin. Thank God for mornings like that. My roommate complained about how I left my alarm on and I wasn't there (again). I felt bad, because I planned to wake up at 10 to come back and turn it off. My bad... I showered, then watched last part of the Kings-Mavericks game. It was really exciting, everyone was stepping up and making huge plays, but the very end was a little disappointing. Oh well... it was one of those games that you tell your friends about and say "you shoulda been there." Or in this case, "you shoulda watched it."

I'm in a surprisingly great mood right now considering it is finals week and I had less than 6 hours sleep. I even forgot to eat dinner last night. Hopefully that mood continues deep into the night... until Thursday, when I'll be done.... Good luck, my peeps.


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