Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Six hours of sleep and I wake up from the shove my roommate gives me before leaving for class. Right then the loudness of my stereo hits me, which was blasting for almost an hour in my left ear two feet from my head as I lay pretty much unconscious. I wanted to eat something before I left, but I didn't have time. Amazingly, I was able to make it early to my first class of spring quarter. Too bad it's a class I'm taking over... Math 2J. The first lecture was a review of stuff we learned junior year of high school. A review of a review. I don't know how I paid attention, but I forced myself. I'm not going to let myself slack off this early. I bumped into my brother's friend again, which makes 5 times in 6 days I think. It was so hot outside my thoughts kept drifting to sleep. Heat has that effect on me, so when I drive at night I either blast the AC or I open my window. I'd rather be a little cold than a little hot because you don't sweat when you're cold. My roommate called me and we talked for almost half an hour. I got to thinking about my minutes, but I realized that I have never really come close to using up my minutes, because I don't really call many people, and nobody really calls me. A little depressing to think about it, but at least I get to hang out with people most of the time.

I got my reserved parking permit ($147 bucks, but worth the convenience and time saved), then I drove to Rubios to get some fish tacos and the manager told me it's the final day of their 99 cent fish taco special. What am I going to do? Lent's only half over! I didn't get a drink because I felt like buying a bigger drink at Ralphs, but the drinks were even more expensive there. There were some nice stools in the deli area for people to eat at, and I was tempted just to grab a stool and eat, but I had no drink, and I really didn't feel like hitting up the water fountain between bites. I instead drove to Tapioca Express (which I wanted to get last night, but nobody else wanted any) and got a taro milk tea. I said taro ice tea when I ordered, and the cashier girl Hannah (if you've ever worked a job that requires you to wear a nametag, you probably get annoyed when customers use your name) though I ordered a taro icee. I asked for less ice, and she said it would be watery with less ice, so I asked for a regular one. Then she realized she put the order in wrong, and I asked for low ice again. What did I get? Lots of ice. I can't blame her though. It was a funky situation. I saw my friend Joo Lee there. That's her full name. Cool, no? I remember last year we had physiology lab together and she had a little study session for the final at her apartment. Two of my lab partners, Don and Lisa showed up besides me. We studied for about one hour, then Don broke out some New Castles and we ended up singing random songs while Don played the guitar... in the dark. They didn't drink that much though... it was more of a spontaneous concert/sing-along. Fun times.

By the time I was done eating, my two hours of break were up and I went to physics. Since I have reserve in the student center, the walk to PSLH was long, and for some reason I ended up taking the long way around, even when I realized I was planning on walking through the park... but didn't. I ended up being slightly late, but I only missed the introductions. Class ended early so I went home. My roommate tried to convince me to look for birds (pets for a friend). I declined because I wanted to cut my hair, but I ended up passing out on the couch until 6:30. I left for a High School Outreach prep meeting at 7. I always thought of HSO being so far away, but it's already this Thursday. I told Reg I'd meet her at the ARC later, but she didn't show up. It's alright though, because I had a good workout. The mobs of people kept me from doing my usual routine, so I changed it up and I think it felt better. I'm trying to get stronger and leaner for sports, and maintain my body weight above 160, but I think my eating habits aren't as good as they should be. I saw my friend Phebe from high school and her friends there too(they're cool people, really chill and whatnot), and she conned me into doing crunches, even though my abs were sore. She said she saw my sister Grace snowboarding at Snow Summit two weeks ago. Small world... I remember seeing one of my sister's friends when I went there three years ago (my first time). Then I saw Borrachi and Joe. Seeing all these random people made me realize that I haven't seen or hung out with a lot of people in a long time. Where are you guys?

I hope the rest of spring quarter is as productive as my first day was... not just in the sense of academically, but being able to stay active, work out, hang out, and still have free time. There go my naps...

Time for bed... only 1:18... soon though...


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