Friday, May 23, 2003

Yesterday I went to Quan's and Chris's birthday party/get-together things. Quan (from high school) had his at Dave and Busters. I've never been there before, but then again, there's plenty of places I haven't been. It was fun, playing pool and talking with those guys. I need to play more bball with them. I hate losing touch with people. My ex was there too. The way we act towards each other now, it seems like we just met or something. I guess that's better than not talking at all. You can't expect anything to be the same after you've been in a relationship. I just found it strange that when I saw her, our relationship seems like I dreamt it. What a trip.

I left for Chris's birthday thing. I think I was the first one there. We played some Mech Warrior on the X-box and just chilled while some other people showed up. They left for BJs and I left for Norms to see if PUSO was still there, but they weren't. Right when I got home, my roommate was leaving for Vons, so I went with her to grab some groceries.

Man, if I don't go to class tomorrow, it'll be a week since I last went to class. That's really bad. Bad bad bad. My roommate was messing with my alarm and turned it off when I was sort of awake, but I fell asleep again. Damn.

So today I had my first birthday party. With friends anyway. Somehow I got stuck with getting the music together. Unfortunately, nobody danced really. Then again, nobody showed up until 10:40. Still, it was great to have most of my friends together in one place. I just wish they could have had fun together, dancing or playing some game or whatnot. I swear, I'm gonna have a bomb ass party at my house before I move out. And people will be dancing. I guess you need a DJ for that though. Who would have thought? DJ = people groovin. Some time in June or July, 2511 Christopher Lane will become Club 2511.

Over the course of the night, I got to wondering a little about how well people know me though. Do I drink? Maybe. Being as it was my birthday, I believe I had a choice. What did I choose, well... how well do you know me? I've blogged about it a few times before...

Thanks to everyone who came out tonight. You're my peeps. My people. Much love.


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