Friday, July 04, 2003

I guess you could call this the summer of CDM. Corona Del Mar.

Lauren had a co-worker get together (Benson, Zeeba, Phil, and Jake)planned today for Newport Beach, but somehow we ended up at CDM. That makes 5 trips there in 3 weeks. Plus maybe one tomorrow and more after that... after grabbing some food (although I actually brought some of the chicken divan I cooked last night) we rolled over the ocean around 1 pm. The sand was scorching hot and there were mobs of people everywhere. From the top you had to look carefully to see any open sand. We started out with some volleyball in the water and rattled off a string of 11 hits. It only took 30 minutes. Actually, anyone watching must have thought we were pretty pitiful. We got out of the water only to go back in again a few minutes later and try our luck with the volleyball. No such luck.

Next we borrowed some people's volleyball net and "played" some volleyball. What ensued was a serving competition, because every 3 out of 4 serves didn't even end up as a rally. At one point each team had more than 8 straight points on serve. Sad. I think my IM volleyball experience helped us pull through in three games. Haha suckas! Jk.

Back to the water for a cooldown. And then back to the hot sand. The waves started to look very enticing, so Benson and I grabbed the boards from back in the car and we went crazy in the 3-5 foot breakers. You could never really get a rythym going though because there might be one nice wave every 5 minutes or 4 in a row. I actually learned how to steer too. That's pretty basic too. I guess it's alright since I'm a non-swimmer anyway. We rested for a while then went back in for some more action. Nice waves and lots of people in the water. The water kept getting colder though, and we started to get torn up by the waves. I did a little sommersault half in the air and half in the water on one wave. We went and chilled for a while on the slightly cooler (but still hot) sand when Lauren's coworkers left.

Our roommate Debbie met up with us and Lauren and I went back again for some more waves. Man, the water was hella cold that time. It was great being in the water for so long. The colder it got though, the less I felt like being pounded by thousands of gallons of seawater (and whale semen... gross haha). We finished off our tans and I saw Charlene's birthday gathering starting up, so I helped them make iced tea. That girl came prepared. We threw around the football for a while (Charlene's got an arm) and some guys wanted a game. Turns out they were old UCI grads. Somehow I ended up QB. We actually did pretty well and I threw 2 touchdown passes. Not bad for never being QB.

We grabbed some burgers and I went around saying what's up to everyone. That girl knows a lot of people... I finally stopped by the UV crowd and we played some weird games. The first game consisted of calling people over, having them do a truth or dare, and then adding them to the circle. We actually got quite a few people to listen to us. It was great. Then we played five fingers, but with dares instead of truths. Thankfully, I never got out. They thought up some crazy dares... ice down the pants... flashing Charlene... spanking Charlene... crazy kids.

The police started kicking us off the beach soon afterward and we headed over to Kaywan's house (man, what a dope house) for the afterparty. I got there first because I felt like gunning it a little through Irvine. At first everything was chill and I played some chess with Ryan. Things started getting a little crazy past midnight and people kept coming in. People started getting pretty wasted, so I chilled on the couch, watched some chess, and talked to people. At one point I was talking to my brother (not on his phone, and wasn't even on my own phone). I played some more chess and took over a losing game and actually won. Of course, it took plenty of mistakes from Charlene's sister. Once people started getting really loud, I said my peace outs. Crazy long day.

I've been awake since 9 am. Wow. I'm still not that tired.
My adidas slippers (actually my dad's, but I took them) are finally falling apart after six years. Sucks.
There's a big difference between a miscommunication and a lack of communication.
If you're not going to regret not doing something, why do it?
It can be really weird how you're introduced to someone who you see all the time around school, but never really meet.
You don't need much to have a good time... and certain things will not necessarily mean you'll have a better time.
I love to drive. Once in a while, I end up driving by myself when I don't want to. I hate that.
I believe happiness is a side-effect of doing the things you feel are appropriate at the time. I don't think you can find happiness. You experience it.
Blogging is not for everyone. It offers a chance for introspection and reflection. If it's mainly written for other people to read, it's far more difficult to keep up.
Cold showers can be just as relaxing as hot showers. Afterwards at least.
Knowing the streets in your area and how they connect makes driving much easier.
There are few things better than a good conversation.
Underinflated volleyball hurt.
Drifting in the middle of the water on a bodyboard is a nice place to chill and talk.
Give props where props are due.


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