Tuesday, July 01, 2003

I wish I had someone to talk to on the phone right now. I remember being up north this past weekend with some of PUSO board and everyone had somebody to talk to at one point or another. I used to sit in the dark in my kitchen at home (so my parents wouldn't wake up and see lights on downstairs) on the counter talking about whatever. Damn I miss those random conversations, the ones when you don't really have much to talk about but you're never short on things to say. You could open up a window to feel the breeze and listen to the crickets. I remember somebody said something to the extent of people would call each other for no reason a lot more often before cell phones, but now people expect you to have something to talk about if you call them on their cell phones. I think there's a lot of truth to this, especially when you have to think about how many minutes you have left. Whatever. It could be I'm just being nostalgic.


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