Thursday, June 26, 2003

I had an interesting dream this morning. I would have remembered a lot more details, but blogger was still updating to their new format when I wanted to write about my dream. So here goes.

I was in a huge factory. I don't know what they were making in that factory, or even why I was in there, besides the fact that I was trying to get out of there. And people were chasing me all over the place. Some big dudes almost grabbed me, so I ran back and through a bunch of workers. I think I was in the middle east, because everyone looked Arabic. I kept dodging the guys trying to catch me. I had something they wanted I guess. I found a nice room that was connected to the factory somehow and I tried to hide there, but I guess they saw me or something because I ran out of the room and back in to the factory. I found this one guy who looked like the keymaker in the Matrix Reloaded and he told me how to get out. The directions were kind of confusing, but I just ran out into a long hallway which led to an traditional looking Arabic village. It was dark outside, but the next thing I knew, I was running around in some modern Arabic city in the middle of the day. Maybe in the morning. I was running for a while, past industrial areas and semis on the roads. I stopped because I had run far enough, and I had the cell phone of the main guy who was chasing me. I took it and buried it in the dirt because it had a tracking device and I wanted to fool him by making him think I had stopped. I ran away... and then somebody tapped my shoulder and turned on my stereo. Oh, that was Martin, interrupting my dream. Damn. My heart was pounding from all that running.


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