Monday, June 09, 2003

The grade I received on my history paper which I turned in two full days late only serves to reinforce what college courses have led me to believe all along. Sure, I'm happy that I got an A- on a paper that I wrote in about 8 hours and which I didn't do all the reading for. I worked hard on that paper, for at least two nights. One night, if you only count the time spent actually typing it. It might be different in other majors, but the curve is evil. Yes, it does help to even out the hard tests and the easy ones, but even more than that, it make mediocrity acceptable. Since when does a 55% get you a B? Something is wrong here. Either the tests are too hard or the system has trained us to to accept that if you get 70% of the test right, that just might give you an A. And if you don't quite get that A, 60% will get you a B. Now I find myself doing what I never wanted to be doing. Giving the minimum effort. The least possible effort. I was never one to take shortcuts, look for the easy way out. I used to be about fighting my way through, doing it right. What the hell happened to me? I need to shift my focus. Grades are sh*t. I'll take my Bs, Cs, even my Ds and Fs. If that's what it takes to learn something, then hopefully I'll have learned something by the end of this week.

What will I learn? Hopefully why I came here in the first place...


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