Thursday, June 26, 2003

I had a scary little incident last night. My computer was running hella slow since it's been running nonstop for the last week or so. I restarted it and went to go brush my teeth. I came back and the monitor read (in DOS):

No Operating System Found

Oh hell no. Oh hell no. I did not just get a virus or something. Freaking Kazaa. Freaking stupid mother humping #@(%**!!! CTRL+ALT+DEL...

No Operating System Found

Sh*t... All my mp3s are gone. All 2500 mp3s. More than 11 gigs worth. All renamed and organized too. All my digital pictures and the pictures I've been saving from That's 1500+ pictures. And my saved games. And my old documents. And my emails. Gone. CTRL+ALT+DEL...

No Operating System Found

Son of a mother. I went through the system setup to see if my computer was still recognizing the hard drive. So I restarted again and I heard the CD-ROM drive kick it. Oh, yea. You can boot from a CD. I took the damn CD out. CTRL+ALT+DEL...

No Operating System Found

What the hell? Stupid ass *@#%*!!! Wait... there's still that sound... can't be a floppy... I don't even have any floppies... wait... it is a floppy. I took the stupid thing out. CTRL+ALT+DEL...

Man, you don't know how comforting that Windows start up screen was. Usually I hate seeing it because I'm waiting for my computer to restart. I remember I found the floppy while I was cleaning my room and I put it in the floppy drive to check it, but I never got around to it. And since the floppy wasn't formatted, it didn't go to the normal

Non-system Disk Error
Abort, Retry, Fail?
Press any key to contine

Damn unformatted disks. What did I learn from all this? Floppy disks suck! And I should probably start archiving my stuff. That's going to take a while. I have enough mp3s to fill more than 16 CDs. I think that all of this happening right before I went to bed didn't help either. Oh well.


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