Saturday, December 06, 2003

It's been a crazy long day. That's despite the fact I didn't leave the house until about 9:30. The whole effort to wake up on time all the time backfired on me today. That morning sun reflecting off the fog, through my window, and unto my eyelids woke me up damn early, before 7:30. Back to sleep, only to snooze once and wake up at 12:45. Screw class, I had to fix my computer! Hours upon hours of feeling hungry and thinking about food while installing programs and adjusting things on my computer. It was one of those times where I was so hungry I couldn't think straight, but too lazy to do anything about it. Still, it's not as bad as the times I'm too hungry to go to sleep, but too damn exhausted to look for food.

Leo and NG came over randomly. The random visits are the best. We were chilling in my room for a while, knocking back some cold ones and talking about the ladies. In our dreams. A few interesting quotes did come up though...
"Stop building a wall around our friendship, Joyce"
"It's like you're building a wall with one hand and destroying it with the other"
"Shut up about the walls!... If these walls could talk... they'd say SHUT UP!"

"I had to go pack"
"Who were you packing?"
"What's this packing? [doing the squirrel up your ass packing gesture]"

These were from a few days ago, courtesy of Mel:
"The baby had three legs!"

"I have to do my duty for God and country"

Random, yes. I guess you had to be there. Inside jokes all around. It's great hanging out with the roommates. Afterwards I helped Joyce kill the virus on her computer (the freaking same one I had) and formatted that sucka. Peace out Win32.Parite.B. I mean GO TO HELL Win32.Parite.B. Damn. Stupid virus.

I can't believe it's finals in two days. After that it's the extended remix of Christmas break. Looks like I'll be singing solos for a while...

Roadtrip anyone?


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