Saturday, May 01, 2004

Lazy days

I wish I knew why I was so tired. I thinks it's a combination of my lingering sickness/allergies, post-workout soreness, midterm recovery (from Thursday), and sleeping habits that are completely out of whack. I think I'll get some early rest in tonight and hopefully I'll be out of bed before 8:30. The sad part is I don't even know if I can pull that off. Sad.

After getting through physics lab on the last of my trail mix, I grabbed some Subway and headed off to the Interfaith open mic night. I forgot there was food being served, so I waited before I ate again. And ate again I did. Too much in fact. But it was a good night, and it looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. The food coma set in quick though, so I peaced out. And that brings me here. Bored out my mind. I'm going to sleep it off...


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