Friday, July 30, 2004

Letting go is never easy.  He has buried after we found him in the kitchen, dead.  He was only 3 months old.  Scott wrapped the beta up in a paper towel, tied off the ends, then dug a hole in the backyard and placed the fish in the bottom, along with the blue rocks from the fishbowl.  Then he placed a seashell over it with R.I.P. written in permanent ink.  And man, he was bawling.  I didn't think he'd be so attached, but he said it was the only friend that wasn't mean to him.  Death is just a difficult thing to deal with as a child.  Eventually, you just have to learn to appreciate life for what it is, no matter how fleeting or unfair it may be at times. 
On the upside, I got paid to swim today.  Sixty bucks for 3 hours of swimming and free food back at the house.  I found that learning how to swim is a lot less stressful with fins.  Damn, if only I'd known before... I quite literally had my hands full playing with the kids in the pool.  All this work I do with kids really makes me appreciate parenthood and makes me more patient as well.  All the scratches and yelling and craziness isn't all so bad, just as long as you recognize that kids will be kids.  I wish I could have been more of a kid when I was young, but that's another story.
We held a meeting about our future soap box car derby.  For a while I got a little intense and the mood at the table was beginning to bring everyone down, but we took a break and everything cooled down enough for me to feel comfortable again.  It was nice too that I had people around to talk to.  I've had so many things on my mind recently but no consistent outlet to leak them out of.  Being around people really helps to break those depressing anti-social phases I've been in for a while.  I missed the meeting to help plan for the Liwanag leader retreat, which I really wanted to attend, but I can't do everything.  Still, I chilled with old board PUSO peeps at Yoshinoyas, reminiscing about old times.  Afterwards we helped Derrick move in.  I'm tired, but fulfilled, and ready to see what tomorrow brings.


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