Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Work was crazy. No joke. I felt like I was going to freak out a few times and just say "F*** this" and have my kid turn in his project late or something. But I'm not like that. Hell if I screw some poor kid over even if he screwed himself by being lazy (there seems to be certain similarities here...). My car took the brunt of my frustrations and turned them into tire squeals and heel-and-toe downshift 90 degree turns at 25+ mph. Subway. Work with Scott. Costco. PUSO meeting. Madrona. John's house. The printer runs out of ink!!!! WTF????? PSLH parking lot (buy a permit). CSL. LOG meeting. John's house. Campus (to relieve some stress and take some pictures). Madrona. 4 and a half hours of work, 2 guest appearances (PUSO and LOG), plently quick hey-nice-to-bump-into-you conversations, 3 meals, some impromptu shopping, some microsoft word editing, and several photos all in the span of 9 action packed hours. I really wish I could have hit the ARC too. Tomorrow morning I guess. We'll see what happens though. Life is a crazy one.

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