Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I was all over the place today. It feels to good to know that people still recognize you and say hi even if you don't see them first. That's one thing that awareness gives you--the opportunity to be first to act. Sometimes, it's the least you can do.

Between PUSO, LOG and ZotBowl, I snapped 300+ pictures. I realize I'm becoming far more selective as far as my eye for photography goes. You can only absorb so many group photographs before you start to wonder what happened inbetween the poses and the carefully timed smiles. Candidness thus requrires taking many, many pictures.

The longer I've been out of school, the more it seems that relationship potential is fading away. Or just way out of the picture. So I find myself being drawn to pretty faces and thinking... at some point I'll have to do something about this. For the moment, not many windows of opportunity are opening up. Hopefully it's not my hair...


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