Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I'm restless.

Is it possible to think outside of yourself if you're not sure were youends and everything else begins? And so I persist in putting it in writing.

I'm meticulous. More often than not, the shortcut is not the way I choose to take.

I was never big on putting myself in the photographs I take. I was never big on posed pictures. Candids are more my style. Candids meaning honest. My mom used to always get mad at me when I was young and borrowed the camera, because I never showed up in any of the pictures, but I prefer to remember how things were from my perspective, however skewed or colored it may be. A photograph should be a record of not just what happened, but how you see it.

There's got to be one article of clothing in everyone's closet that never seems to go with the rest of the clothes. That's the skin I put on every day. I've learned to get over it. It does, however, have its consequences.

Though it usually seems like I'm just quiet, I almost always have more than enough to speak about. I choose to listen though. To quiet myself, blend into my environment, and get something from it. There's a time and a place, and after a while, you just hate to waste your breath. It's too bad listening and being listened to just don't go hand in hand.

Contrast is always something I've tried to find. If not black and white, then at least as far from the middle grays as possible. I do have my exceptions though. A soul needs a certain amount of stabilty, or it's pulled in too many directions.

I was never much a fan of routine. I'm more flexible than consistent, but that doesn't mean I don't try. And that could be why I fail at so many things. In spite of this, I remind myself that failure doesn't preclude progress.

I really try to appreciate the smaller things around me, especially when the world is shoving so many things in my face. I'm just beginning to climb out of massive debt and I've already learned the joys of a simpler life. The paradox that I am favors a complex simplicity (or is it a simple complexity?) My goal is understand the duality of life, that a single life is fragile and miniscule compared to the immenseness of this world, yet each life creates a different reality, a different future.

I need to be challenged. Even in something so central to my life--my faith, it has been my doubts that have forced me to grow.

It seems like I've just cracked the surface...


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