Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Days like these. The freshly washed shirts (clorox color safe beach does amazing things), clean drinking glasses, unexpected notes, a baseball gamein fantastic weather, conversations in broken English (but good nonetheless), and a few choice movie scenes made for a very interesting day. Sometimes a little surprise goes a long way. I even ate an orange today. Peeled it myself. I haven't peeled an orange for myself in a long, long time. The rotisserie chicken that I had from Costco tasted a lot better than what I remember, even after chilling in the fridge for almost a week and getting nuked in the microwave. All the video editing I've been doing makes me want to buy a camcorder and go off... hopefully I don't neglect my other camera. That's if I buy a camcorder. Such is the life of an in-betweener. I have more time to dream. So after the 'LOG' ride that was spirit rally, I'm feeling a little more grounded, a little more stable. Strong? I don't know. I think I have a better understanding of the fragility of the human condition. Funny how that sounds. It's like an illness. Actually, it's more about vulnerability. To what? Maybe to change. Change can be a wonderful thing. As it is, there's really no escaping it.

And now, an indiscriminate thank you.


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