Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Crusing at 80 down the 71 back to my house, I pulled out of the fast lane to let some other cars pass, seeing a white car and a blue Pontiac GTO behind me. It makes driving around a lot better if people exercise a little consideration for other drivers. White car pulls up to me on the left. Slowly passes me. My front bumper is about lined up with the white car's rear bumper when bitch ass driver in the GTO decides to pass. Not in the vacant carpool lane, because that would be illegal. No, he decides to squeeze between my car and the white car, flooring it all the way. W.T.F. My hands went to the horn for a good 5 seconds, making sure he realized he cut off a damn PERSON and not just another car. Bitch ass drivers should get their licenses revoked. Seriously, with all the police prescence I've seen around lately (two cops today, two people pulled over on a one mile stretch of University at 12:30 last night... it must be ticket quotas) I don't know how these idiots get away with bullshit like that. I could have touched his car if I reached out my window. My mom was in the car with me too. If someone has the nerve to go out of their way to put other people in danger, and they get to drive away as if nothing happened, I wonder what it takes to stop it. That bitch's car should be confiscated and auctioned off. He/she shouldn't be allowed to even ride in a car anymore.


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