Thursday, April 07, 2005

Strange days. I couldn't extract my limp body from the futon I call my bed until noon today. That meant I scratched a few things of my mental to-do list. I surprisingly made it to Fullerton for my free eye exam in 35 minutes, but stayed late to look at some frames. Even with a 25% discount, I'll be spending $240-$300 on a new pair. My prescription didn't even change that much either. I guess I was about due though. Not to mention I had one of the most thorough eye exams I've ever had. My eyes are worn out. Then I squeezed through traffic like a snake and made it to work in 21 minutes. It would have been 20 had it not been for some evil red lights. Then it all came fast and furious. Work. Madrona. HSO prep. Shawshank for Dave's birthday surprise. Madrona again. Jack-N-the-Box to drop off my camera with Vince. Chino.

Tomorrow brings appointments, HSO, birthday dinner, work, video editing, more work... I'll be neglecting my bed for a while.

Things are coming full circle now. Wow, this is life. Growing up with friends... so many birthdays (and so close together)... death (not to exclude resurrection)... baptisms (babies and adults alike!)... moving (the end of the Madrona Era... damn, that's a story in itself)... anticipation, reminiscing, frustrations, victories, setbacks... and change. There's been so much change lately. Either that, or I've just started to notice it now. It really feels like the doors are closing are me, but who am I to regret anything? Instead, I wonder what doors He could be opening now.

Suddenly I have all the time in the world. Thank you Lord.


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