Monday, July 11, 2005

All the weekend madness caught up with me while I was sleeping. It was hard to move. It was worth it though. Home Friday and back to Irvine for work (gotta love freebies), tutoring and basketball with John, softball at the ARC with Krusty and Blue Balls, then Exorcist and Mario Party at Madrona with the roomies and Keerz and Jenny. The universe is in disarray right now though, because Keerz cheated and got 3rd place. Started Saturday with work, Target, then Olive Garden with the homies, Newport Beach for some sun and sand, and Sunjego all freaking night to crash the PUSO retreat. Sunday with two hours sleep I made it through work pretty unscathed (the nap helped, but I had some crazy dreams), bumped into Martin on campus, ARC for some lifting, choir practice and 6:30 (sic-tuty) mass, and Norm's with Angie, Madroneezy, LOG, and PUSO.

I'm going to pry myself off the computer somehow.


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