Friday, July 01, 2005

It all started with the orange juice. I went to the fridge to get some juice. Oh man, I was thirsty for some o.j. I started pouring it into my glass, but I noticed some tiny green specks in it. Figuring I was seeing things, I kept pouring. More green. I looked inside the bottle, and half gagged when I saw a thick layer of mold around the inside rim of the bottle. That was disappointing. I poured it all down the drain. Then all of a sudden I heard a sudden heavy walking up the stairs, so I ran to the door to see who was coming up, but I couldn't see. I held the lock instinctively, but the lock started turning despite my efforts. The person was forcing their way in somehow. I kept fighting it though, relocking the door before the person could open it.

Later I found myself at the Asian restaurant made from a converted apartment. A bunch of people were there from LOG, and strangely, Elwin and his sister Marlee from high school. We heard Francia and someone else were coming up, so we all decided to pretend to sleep in the living room area, right by the front door. Frank came in, got all flustered, and left. Elwin was the first to move. He wasn't waring a shirt, and had a huge red splotchy area on his back, but I didn't saw anything. They decided to leave after Frank left. I was the last one to leave. The man and his wife who owned the restaurant were saying something in a different language. I think they were talking to me.

I decided to drive around for a little bit. I ended up in some shopping center. I saw a boba place and started walking into it, but as it turns out, it was a bike shop. Martin was working there. I had my bike with me, and I've been meaning to get it fixed up for a while now, so I asked them to do the $100 tune-up special. I think it was Lisa Nguyen who was working there also... she started to write down all the components for my bike. I noticed some parts I didn't recognize, but didn't think much of it at the time. I sat down and Martin explained to me what exactly they would and wouldn't do. I figured some parts needed replacement, but I guessed that they would tell me and I would have the option to replace them for a reduced cost compared to fixing it alone. Satisfied, I went home.

Back in my room, I saw a bike similar to mine, but with a yellow and black frame instead of a red and black one. Plus, the front tire was missing. I looked in the walk-in closet (I have a walk-in closet?) and saw another two bike against the wall. There weren't any clothes in there for some reason. The first bike was customized with lowrider wheels and chrome. Then I realized it must have been Mel who customized the bikes.

Tired, I went to take a shower. Right before I jumped in, I saw something weird in the mirror. There was a massive growth coming off my lower back. It looked like it was attached only at the base of my spine and at the kidneys, but the main part of it looked like it could have weighed 100 pounds. I guess it looked like a hideous sideways mushroom. Then the thought came to my head that this thing was probably what was causing my sporadic backaches. Freaked out, I head to the hospital to get it checked out. I was checking in at the ER and the doctor diagnosed me right there. I thought that was odd... I never even stepped into an exam room and no tests were run. I forgot the name for the disease, but he started telling me all the drugs I'd have to take to cure myself. Two in the morning, two at night of this. Four a day of this. Two in the afternoon, two at night of this. More of this other one. I was confused, so we wrote them down in a day-by-day chart, but I was still confused, but figured it was the best explanation I'd get. Then he went over the prices of the drugs. He showed me the regular and insurance-covered prices of the drugs. Most of them were in the $100 range, but there was one antibiotic that was $9000. Nine thousand dollars. Holy crap. Then he showed me the after-insurance price, which was $1200. Where was I going to get that kind of money?

End scene.

Wake up.

strange growth off my back and kidneys... $9000 antibiotic


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