Wednesday, April 05, 2006

above the clouds

Today was a good day. Especially compared to yesterday. The rain was a nice touch. Rain down, rain down... I think if people weren't so caught up with staying out of the rain and accept that they're going to get a little wet, then they wouldn't hate on the rain so much. Maybe there's still snow up in them mountains. A little 'hate' goes a long way. I've had crazy dreams the past three days. Three on Sunday, two yesterday, and two today. The first was a weird spin off of Kill Bill. It could have been a Vol. III or something, but much shorter than the other ones. And more... yea.

The other one went something like: I was camping out near my house. A bunch of stuff happened (that I don't remember). When I finally had to go home, I didn't have any kind of light with me, so I was wandering in the dark along a trail. I caught a glimpse of a huge tarantula in the moonlight as I walked over my outstretched hand. I tried not to flinch and freak myself out, but as I kept walking, there were several other tarantulas (all about the size of basketball) that would crawl up my arm and up my side. I couldn't take it any more and I freaked. And woke up.

I think I caught something. I was feeling really warm and lightheaded this evening. Hopefully it blows over. I haven't been sick in a while, but I haven't been taking the best care of myself lately. Argh. Ach! Ack! Aych!

Today was a good day.


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