Thursday, January 04, 2007

this is serious

I'm sick enough to skip work. I guess it's a minor detail then that I don't really work right now. The limited cash flow is starting to hurt too.

Why do I feel so powerless? It's only congestion!

I digress. I need a job. But of course, I much rather have some random job than a sure thing. That's how I work. I've gone from history/math tutor to host to to-go specialist to traffic director to valet to dishwasher to babysitter to driver to english tutor to mentor to equipment mover to photographer to a-v tech to personal assistant. The best thing about working so many random jobs is the experience. Eventually, I'll be stuck doing one thing for a very long time. I'm about to add EMT to that list. Hopefully doctor. But that's all so far ahead of myself right now.

I've already got a lot of work to do. Long term projects.


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