Wednesday, March 07, 2007

once removed

I wasn't watching, but the floor's been breaking apart, and I'm having to make all sorts of jumps over the gaps. It makes sense then that I feel a growing distance between myself and everything else.

I'd better become a better jumper.

I have a nagging feeling that every time I tie something up, it's getting unraveled casually on the other end. It's only bad when I get too weary to do anything. I can't think of the last time I didn't feel tired though.

Somehow I've transformed this Lent into a season of major growth. I know it's working because it's hardly comfortable. It's more like I'm taking advantage of the opportunity to hammer some things out. The results aren't pretty, but they're promising.

I was cleaning up the other day and found some things I've kept from high school... old photos, mementos, random things that remind me of a seemingly distant past. I think I've changed more than I'd normally admit to myself. Maybe now I'm starting to find all those missing pieces. Unfortunately, I have to retrace some more steps to find all of them. That's what I'm not looking forward to.

If you find yourself in the desert and your well dries up, you have to find a new source of water.

There are a few people around who I feel I keep making missteps. So far, nobody's speaking up. Well, one person did. And though I didn't want to hear it at the time, it's all for the better after the fact.

Someone's got something to say.

i don't hear anything yet...


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