Wednesday, December 03, 2008


I'm not doing that well yet with the moved-back-home thing. But I do have a few high points here and there.
- I can cheer for whoever plays against the Lakers without having to be worried about crushing some poor sap's fragile fanboy ego (oooooh ouch). Troy Murphy FTW! (wtf?)
- I think I'm almost halfway done with the bedroom excavation. I still have to figure out what to do with the stuff I haven't disposed of yet. Considering how lazy I've been though, it's a pretty decent accomplishment for not having thrown boxes of stuff away en masse.
- I made some human contact from inside these walls. Yes, it was limited to IMs and text messages, but one electronic conversation is better than zero of any kind.


Blogger Kimberly said...

go lakers!

5:10 PM  

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