Monday, February 24, 2003

I know this is just after the last one, but I feel compelled to separate the two...

Sometimes you just have to break something. I get restless being too comfortable and thinking about it, I realize that most of the time I'm not even happy in the same routines that I perpetuate. Change is a funny thing. I used to dread it, yet now I think I need it more and more often to keep from becoming a zombie, locked into a disgustingly boring and trite life. I'm definitely not suggesting that dramatic, constant change in everything is good, but in certain cases, change should be welcome. When everyone else is walking, maybe someone needs to run. Or stop. More and more, I feel like I want to run. I don't know if anyone wants to run with me however, and I already know how lonely that is. I have a great urge to push my limits, to stretch my thinking and develop my sense of the world, but too often I'm just left dreaming. Maybe I'll get my time to run.


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