Friday, July 25, 2003

I had another strange dream today. It made me late to a meeting I had scheduled. Here it is:

There was a formal dance at one of the ICS buildings at UCI. I went by myself, and when I walked in, I saw a guy give 100 bucks to this girl who was holding an empty Aquafina bottle. (Right now on the radio they're advertising this promotion where if you are spotted anywhere in America with an Aquafina bottle, you could get anywhere from 2 to 1000 dollars. I hear the commercial maybe 3 times a day). I walked up to the girl, who came with a guy I knew (but I don't remember his name). I asked her for the Aquafina bottle and she gave it to me. A couple of minutes later, the Aquafina guy came up to me and gave me 110 bucks. I was so happy that I gave the girl 10 bucks for lending me the bottle, but she didn't even acknowledge the gesture and walked away.

I was thirsty (how ironic) so I went to get some water, but there was nothing in the room. I walked out and found a vending machine with water, but I didn't feel like paying for water (despite the fact I earned 110 bucks just by holding a water bottle). I kept walking down the hallway until I got to the center of the floor, and there was an info desk. My friend Michael Boswell was working there, so I asked him where I could find a water fountain. He told me there was a fountain on the floor below. I was thinking I might get lost because there were stairs everywhere, but I got my water and went back to the dance.

When I walked in, there was a tall guy fighting with a shorter guy. They weren't really throwing punches but they were covered in mustard. It was all over both of their heads. I saw Bryant breaking the fight up. The girl who lent me the Aquafina bottle was a little upset that people were fighting so close to her. The short guy shoved the tall guy and he bumped into the girl, getting mustard on her. We all left at that point, and for some reason I walked with the girl and her date to his car (a Celica) and helped her in. That's all I remember.

Possible motivations for this dream:
- the Aquafina promotion I keep hearing on the radio
- I cooked a burger "animal style" (in mustard) the previous day and burned the mustard
- Cristina was talking about Celicas the previous day


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