Friday, July 25, 2003

I was freaking shocked (to say the least) that's it's already 0208 hours on Friday. Frack. That puts me an additional fours days behind schedule. I wanted to cook something nice on Saturday... but ended up cooking it today. I wanted to work out on Tuesday, but didn't till Wednesday night. I didn't get my insurance thing (for the stupid dent in the door) sorted out until today, two whole weeks since I dropped my car off at the body shop. On a side note, I talked to the same insurance adjustor who I actually enjoyed speaking to. I don't know if it's because of the whole summer phenomenon or because I've been single forever, but I kept thinking that I had no reason not to have a little conversation with her. So I did. She doesn't sound much older than maybe 25 from the way she talks, but who knows? She could be damn well over 40. Not that I was trying to get my hopes up that I could spark something, but when you're single and lonely, a phone conversation with a stranger is a nice diversion.

Besides the monotony of jobless, school-less summer life, this is how my week has been:
- went to the back and paid both the electric and phone bills
- wrote new blog page from scratch (over 3 days)
- table crossing, mcdonalds, one-hit wonders, movies, cartoons, mafia, and murderers on Tuesday
- helped Cristina move her couches
- watched While You Were Out at 25A Parkwatts
- had Rubios twice

Quite the "killer" week, but I hope everything's back in the mix now. I just cooked (even though I didn't get to eat until 1:30), the other outreach coord's and I are going to have our first planning meeting, and I'm still hitting the ARC consistently (I actually got Leo to go). Add MCAT studying and stir, and an optional job to ease the dry financial situation, and I'll have something good brewing up shortly. Very shortly. The oven's on broil...


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