Thursday, July 17, 2003

I didn't do much today, but it feels like I did something. That's the great thing about working out. Forty minutes on the ellipticals, five on the rower, fifteen playing racquetball with... myself, and some light lifting. I don't like it when I just louge around in the house all day. The less I do, the lazier I get. I'm going to go to bed before 1:30 and maybe I'll wake up around 9:30 and start studying for the MCAT, and looking for a job, while cleaning around the house in the meantime. It's this exciting life I lead. I guess if ever there's a time to be lazy, it's now.

The incident in Santa Monica where the driver plowed through Farmer's Market and killed 8 people is tragic. I don't have any other word for it. One eyewitness said the car was actually accelerating as it tore through the crowds. I just hope it was all a freak occurence, as the driver may have had a heart attack or stroke. It's getting harder and harder to feel safe driving. Or even being around cars. God bless and keep the victims.


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