Tuesday, July 15, 2003

I found myself laughing out loud watching this movie About A Boy wih Hugh Grant. I don't know why I'm watching it though. Usually I don't find myself laughing out loud at things,unless I'm IMin someone, so I guess it was real comic genius. There's a part in the movie whree Hugh's character is stuck at this kid's houuse with his single mother (who is incidentally crazy) playing Killing Me Softly on the piano. I guess you'd have to watch it to understand, but it's not obviously uproarious. It's more tongue-in-cheek humor. I love tongue-in-cheek humor. I guess you could say that's the mark of good writing. Of course, you need good acting too. Or maybe movies are funnier when you're watching by yourself, and when you don't expect something funny, but then you start laughing... it's great.

Reminds me of yesterday when I was watching Frailty, which is based on a Stephen King novel. I actually watched it in the theater, and I was anticipating one of the craziest parts in the movie, and I knew exactly when it was coming... and I knew sort of how the part went, but not exactly. When the part came up though, it actually surprised me again. Hehe, I always make fun of girls when they get freaked out at movies they've already seen and haven't forgotten, buyt I think it's another case of good writing. And direction. And acting too.


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