Friday, July 11, 2003

Imagine what would happen if for every person you walked by, every soul you passed, you saw what their day was like. Imagine what it would be like knowing everyone you've ever been around. Each person has their own agenda, own style, own feelings, own experiences. Could I just be going about my life like billions of other people? What if we were all parts of some great big machine... Would I just be another cog in the system? I'm always wondering what other people might be doing right now. Or next week. Or the ret of their lives. What about that old friend... that clerk at Lollicup... the telemarketer that conned you... the janitor of your high school... the weatherman... the cop that pulled you over... the homeless lady picking up cans... the guy from your dorm who never left his room... the UPS guy...

Could it be that too many people have become mush in the pot, being stirred around until the lumps are gone? Once you read into it all, you realize that you really can't control anything. Only God knows what were all doing. Is there a point in meeting new people if you can't keep in contact with the ones you've already met? It's not such a small world out there... the only thing you can truly know is yourself, and that's never a given.

Life is far too incomprehensible to go through it alone.


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