Tuesday, July 15, 2003

I hate arguments. I couldn't say why I get so involved when I come across a bad argument. There are few things more frustrating than arguing with someone who can't accept when you may be right. That's what happens when you argue with most kids and even some adults. People can be damn stubborn sometimes. Why did I spend alomst an hour reading post on some website arguing about what's better: horsepower or torque. I don't know. Not that I care much, because I feel I have a decent grasp of both sides of the matter. It's just that I like to see things argued out. I guess I wanted to see some intelligent person rip some ignorant person's argument to shreds. Perhaps that's why legal dramas are so intriguing. You want to root for who's right, and you can't help feeling good when the "good guys" make a rock-solid case. Man, I could debate something for hours on end. There are times I have to tell myself not to start arguing something or I'll never hear the end of it, ironically because oftentimes the debate is over something so trivial it's laughable.

Like whether the word "couple" refers to only a set of two items, or if it's a more flexible word which can refer to two or more items.

Or whether torque is more important that horsepower in a fast car.

Or which basketball team is going to win the championship next year.

Or who's really at fault. Really.

Why is it that people hate being wrong?


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