Thursday, February 05, 2004

Who would've thought?

Yesterday I actually did real work while "working," as I call my misadventures as driver and video game expert for Scott. Good thing too, because I had to stay a little bit late. I killed that homework. Then I switched wheels (4 to 2) and headed off to campus for neuro lab, but not before grabbing some Carl's Jr. I bumped into Von Dutchess and E. Portugal, then Cristobal. It's funny when you see different circles of friends get mixed up.

Lab was another story. I wasn't expecting the fatty quiz our TA dropped on us, but luckily I remembered what I skimmed through a few hours earlier while Scott was bugging me to play gunbound. And Francine's making up the lab. I don't think I've seen her around more than twice in the past two or three years. I had the great job of cutting a nerve out of a massive frog, which was about as big as my planner. Blood, guts, and connective tissue were no match for me. We started the first of 5 experiments, but for some reason my groups wasn't getting it done. By the time we finished the first experiment, we had about an hour left and other groups were on the third experiment already. Luckily our TA cut us a break and somehow we managed to get out before 10.

Today I learned that I didn't bomb the midterm I took on Tuesday. Woohoo for the curve! I actually pulled off a solid B. Good thing all my bio classes overlap this quarter, or I'd be SOL. If I didn't miss class that one time I wasn't sick, I'd probably have an A. Doh. I caught another break in my Asian-Am class, which was nice.

Lunch at Interfaith was off the hook. Tortilla casserole, looking for bread, followed by mad hacky sack [ucc hackers?] and dippy dippy dip [do] craziness. And then everyone left quick! Maybe someone farted...

On the way to class, NG and I discussed a new commercial for spirit rally... the brainchild of mad LOG and Thursday lunch insanity. And then there was the thing. On the planter. It was fuzzy. And NG picked it up. So everyone we bumped into we introduced them to the thing. Julie... Cristina and some Morse peeps... Kathee... Machacha/Jona/Frances (who I always bump into right before the same class).

I get to class 20 minutes late, but I don't miss anything. I love it. Lecture turned permanent discussion. It's weird, but our group is the least social of all the other groups. I made it a point to pair up with different people when we present our info to the other groups. Everyone else likes to sit in the same seat and talk to the same groups all the time. I would have thought people wouldn't be so shy in the upper division classes. Maybe it's just bio majors. Damn bio majors. I actually talked to a bunch of people though, so I'm making the effort.

All this academic pursuit is making the idea of me going to med school a lot more believeable, in my mind at least. I think the biggest thing for me was learning how to learn from my mistakes. I think I was always one to try to do everything cautiously enough so wouldn't make mistakes, but I've made so many mistakes now that I can't just keep doing what I'm doing. So I being more organized. I'm trying to go to sleep and wake up on time all the time. I'm starting to do work in the short meaningless breaks in my schedule. I'm starting to be more realistic. I'm not limiting myself to what I'm comfortable with, especially in social situations.

So as I push myself towards something... I feel like I have more and more to talk about. And more to change about myself. I wonder why all this has taken so long...

And I wonder about those silly anti-social bio majors. I know they don't just think about bio classes...


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