Sunday, May 02, 2004

I had some strange dreams this morning. I think one of them is recurring too. The first one was a group of strangers (including myself) out somewhere tropical for a vacation. A jet plane flies by and people start talking. Then another plane comes over a nearby hill and then starts shooting at us with airplane gun. I tried to hide under some benches, but they were too small, so I hid on the ramp for a plane that was sitting in the huge lot we were all in. The guy in the plane kept shooting people, and I could feel stuff hit my shoes. After 5 or 10 minutes he flew away. Something like 200 people died. (That's the recurring dream... at least once before)

Somehow the dream morphed into this one: some of the survivors of the attack (maybe 6 or 7 including myself) were playing poker or something. One by one, someone would leave the table, until there were about 3 people still awake. We had these electronic pets to keep us company. A robort thing flew by the window and started scanning for artificial intelligence, so we had to cover the eyes of the electronic pets or we'd be in trouble. I think we saved one of them from being scanned, but the other one got scanned.

Then the dream morphed again. I went to the bathroom really disoriented because I was so tired and was a little paranoid. I was thinking someone was going to attack me, so I kept trying to remember the little escrima stuff I could from my class. It was a huge public bathroom which seemed empty. I was walking through the bathroom and I heard a flush. Some scary looking guy came out and started staring at me. I looked away but he kept looking in my direction. Then he charged at me and tried to bitch-slap me or something, but I blocked him a few times and pushed him back. Then I heard more noises. Out of nowhere Van Helsing appeared and took care of some more guys hiding in the bathroom. He told me that he had to do something for me so I could fight them. When I grabbed him some other guy tried to attack me, so I hit him and he flew crashing into the wall.

And that's all I remember. Damn strange dreams. I can't say they weren't entertaining though.


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