Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I think it's getting a lil crazy outside... I saw a few flashes outside, which could mean the beginning of the rainy season (what a joke) or my eyes are protesting how much I use the computer. I think I heard rain too, but a quick check of weather.com showed nothing was amiss. I neglected to stand up and look out the window though. Geez I can get so lazy. I learned a few things today. Libraries close on Colombus Day (anybody see that a black Integ??), working overtime isn't so bad, relationships are just as impossible/illogical as I think they are, and dreams can really trip you out.

I love the rain. I wonder if library girl does too... I'm freakin dreaming. And so I'm falling...

...forward I hope. That's all running is anyway. A controlled fall.



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