Wednesday, May 04, 2005

For the thrid day in a row, Scott's sick. That means I get much more than my fair share of computer time. I'm getting cabin fever or something. So far, it's been 19 hours or so this week of the same thing. I guess this would be where a book or something would come in handy. I have to think of different ways to kill time.

I'm not keeping up with some things. Dishes started piling up in the sink, my whites are still on top of the dryer, I have two months worth of upopened mail waiting for me, my bike is just sitting in the garage with two flat tires, and I have a grip of uncooked food in the fridge. At least I'm paying the bills.

Tapioca Express. University Club parking lot. The ATMs. I feels like old times again. Damn #1's. It's all about the #8's now. And "track #8."


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