Friday, October 31, 2008


I can't sleep. I wonder how many other people are awake right now, staring at their computer screens. Falling asleep on the couch while the tv was on probably was a bad thing. It's definitely an annoyance to be able to fall asleep almost at will 90% of the time, only to fail miserably the other 10%. Plus, it's maybe 80 degrees in this room. I really look forward to being able to slip into nice cool (cold) sheets and never having to throw the sheets off or flip the pillow over. I can feel the heat coming off my back as sit here. As much as I don't want to admit it, I might have to buy a little a/c unit for my room back home just to be able to sleep at night.

It looks like that McCain fellow is trying to win the election by appealing to fear, xenophobia, and greed. That's exactly the kind of leadership we need.

I think I need to take a walk.


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